Thursday, December 16, 2010
Mellow Man

Posted by Chredna at 1:15 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Ryan's second First Day Of School
Posted by Chredna at 4:59 PM 3 comments
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Mickey's Halloween Party

Posted by Chredna at 4:53 PM 5 comments
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
This is Halloween! This is Halloween!
Posted by Chredna at 5:54 PM 6 comments
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Just Funny too
The entire family and I went to Walmart last night after the Trunk or Treat to make sure we were "ready for Sunday". Chris had Ryan in a cart and I had Reagan in mine. I began looking at the nuts and debating if I wanted to get almonds or not. Reagan asked what they were and I said they were almonds.
Reagan: "oh."
We then see another package of the nuts pictured above.
Reagan: "What kind of nuts are those?"
Me: "Those are Brazil Nuts"
Reagan: "Those look super gross. They should be called 'Poop Nuts'."
I laughed like I was 5 years old. I seriously couldn't control my laughter and then Reagan started doing her silly laugh that I love and then I really couldn't stop. I repeated what she said to Chris and Ryan and Ryan, of course, thought it was hilarious. Chris laughed a mature amount of time, but I couldn't stop.
Poop nuts......hahahahaha!!!
Posted by Chredna at 8:15 AM 3 comments
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
What I've been up to.....
Made Ryan and Reagan matching damask skirts. Ryan didn't want a picture taken. Ryan's skirt had turquoise ribbon on the bottom of hers.

My Favorite. I found a tutorial for this pillow and I had been DYING to try it....and I did!!
The petals are made from Black leather. I think it looks great with my New white leather couch and Green walls. L.O.V.E IT!

I'm hoping this is just the beginning! It feels good to get the creative juices flowing again!!
Posted by Chredna at 5:55 PM 9 comments
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Just funny
Last night, I was debating about what to make for dinner. Feeling a little lazy, since it was a rough day with Reagan being sick, I decided we would order a pizza or get something else.
Me: hey Ryan, what would you like to eat for dinner? I don't really feel like cooking tonight.
Ryan: Oh good! Cause I don't really feel like eating something you cook tonight either.
I was hysterically laughing on the floor......just what I needed. Love you Ryan.....you're hilarious!
Posted by Chredna at 2:52 PM 5 comments
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Life as we know it.....
Now, I know that it could be A LOT worse. I know that there are Millions and Millions of other people and families that have it way worse than ours.....but our life as we knew it had changed.
I was unsure about posting at all, but I am treated this as our family journal and I guess documenting it should be therapeutic and maybe one day it can help our family to remember what happened and how we felt at first. And being a week after, it's amazing how much has changed already!
We have two gorgeous girls. Ryan, the older, 6, and Reagan, the younger, 4. About 3 weeks ago, Reagan developed a yeast infection and I took her to the doctor to get something to help since Desitin wasn't cutting it. Going to this appointment, we noticed she has lost a little weight since her well-check in January. We all noticed she had gotten taller and slimmer.....being the chubby girl she was, we thought she had finally hit her growth spurt, just like Ryan did at that age. Dr. prescribed a cream and sent us on our way. I, mother of the year, was not too diligent with the cream and the infection seemed to stick around and wasn't getting any better. Finally it got so bad that she had blood in her underwear and I took her back to the doctor to make sure I should continue with the cream
I took her in last Friday, September 24th in the morning. She peed in a cup to check for an UTI and then they weighed her again.....She lost 2 more pounds from the appt 3 weeks before! I freaked out a little and then told the nurse how I had noticed her drinking a lot of water and peeing a lot. So, the dr. came in and I proceeded to tell him how the yeast infection was MY fault because I hadn't been applying the cream like I should have. He basically interrupted me and told me they found sugar in her urine. My heart sank. Having 2 sisters with Type 1 diabetes, I knew what that meant. I was sent immediately to get her blood drawn (traumatic!) and waited by the phone for a call from her Doctor. He called about an hour and half later to tell me she was a very healthy girl, that she looked great.....except for her blood sugar. 429.....normal is under 120. Told me to get to the hospital within the next couple hours. Who knows what else he said.....couldn't pay attention anymore.
We headed up to the hospital and we stayed there the rest of the weekend and we were discharged on Monday afternoon. During our stay, the doctors told us several times how pleased they were that they found it so early and that she could've been so much worse, as children often are by the time they find out they have Type 1 Diabetes.
I remember having 2 distinct thoughts.....
1. Why can't we just keep living the way we were yesterday.....ignoring it....not knowing. But I know she would just keep getting sicker and sicker
2. Once they bring down her sugar.....it'll just go away. Also....not so.
Chris and I didn't say much to each other about it that first day. We were sad and I gave myself one good cry and then I decided I was done with that. We could handle this. But it was hard seeing Reagan when it was time for a shot or for having her blood sugar checked. and all I could think was...."this is how it's going to be for the rest of her life." A sad thought indeed. She would never remember NOT having this. The next day Chris told me, "Of course Reagan had to be the one to get sick.....She's So beautiful, the Lord couldn't just let her be that gorgeous AND healthy." I cried one more time.
I remember praying that first afternoon before going to the hospital and getting the feeling that this could be cured in her lifetime. The advances of medicine are just that....advancing! One of the first things the Doctor told us in the hospital that the research being done is promising great results. Of course, it is still a couple decades away, but that would put Reagan at 24 years old. That made me happy to imagine that.
So now.....she gets 6 shots a day and her blood sugar is checked 5 times. She doesn't mind her finger getting pricked to check her blood sugar anymore, but she doesn't look forward to the shots. But the aftermath of the shots is getting shorter and shorter. The first shots in the hospital took several of us to hold her down. Now she stands still, still cries but gets over it quickly. Plus, she gets a coin in her piggy bank after every shot and finger prick and once a month we'll go to toys r us for a new toy. We may be creating a monster, but it's worth it right now.
Ryan has been handling everything well. That's also the hard part, is making sure she still feels loved at all times. A lot of attention is going to Reagan and we also reward her with coins in her piggy bank for good days at school.
So.....this is our new life....still wouldn't change it for the world. :)
Posted by Chredna at 5:34 PM 6 comments
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Tiny Tots
Posted by Chredna at 3:04 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
My own blog
I have started my own blog. I WILL blog once a week about my family on this blog. But I need my own place to rant and vent into the great space that is the world wide web since i am no longer on facebook. So join me if would like..... Here
Posted by Chredna at 8:59 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Beauty School wannabe

One night I told her I needed to go to the store and asked if she wanted to come along. She said "Yes!" I was gathering my returns and lists and then called her "Let's go Reagan!" I found her in my bathroom. She had changed into her church dress, dress shoes, and was putting on make-up. I asked her what she was doing? She said, "We're going out. I'm getting ready." Man, we're in trouble. WISH I would've taken a photo.
Posted by Chredna at 8:04 PM 5 comments
On the First Day of First Grade....

big girl now.
Posted by Chredna at 7:57 PM 1 comments
Thursday, August 26, 2010
The Cruise!
So at the end of June, we flew out of Yuma (yikes! I hate those little planes!) to Phoenix. Then to Denver (which closed for an hour due to weather and we had to circle the airport in the air for an hour!). Then to Miami (which we waited on the tarmac for an hour because of mechanical issue....holy cow!). We also flew right by the Gulf of Mexico and we could see the fires burning from the oil spill. Pretty crazy to see that. We landed in Miami and let me tell you......HUMID! I would in a million years take our "dry heat" over the stickiness of Miami. How do they stand it??? So....we boarded our ship. It was HUGE!
*I usually don't include pictures of myself, but this time there are. Yes, I'm fat....no I'm not pregnant.

Have you ever seen the ocean this blue?? Beautiful!

The Flow Rider! Chris got pretty good at it. (he's not pictured. sorry!)

The Royal Promenade. (shopping strip) See those windows above the stores? Those are rooms and our rooms were on the 2nd level of windows. Awesome!!!

The adult only pool.

The Kiddie pool

The Party Pool.
Chad in the belly flop contest, which he won!

Most of us.

Next stop, San Juan, Puerto Rico. LOVED IT!! SO awesome!

We visited Fort San Cristobal

Another Fort and cemetery.

cool buildings

hands down.....the BEST food we ate all week!

Last Stop....Labadee Haiti.

View of the zip line from the beach

That's me.

Labadee Beach.

All of us hanging out on our last day out to sea.

Awww....the Family Picture

We had a great time. We missed the girls, but they were well taken care of by my family here at home. We ATE! We Played! We Danced! We ATE some more.
Posted by Chredna at 9:43 AM 6 comments