Monday, May 19, 2008

My Princess!! (say that with a lisp)

Ryan got her costume for her dance recital coming up in June. She wants to wear all the time but she feels she must walk around like a "big girl." But seriously, have you ever seen such grace and femininity? Ryan's sheer size and height basically puts her in linebacker status with the other girls her age. We love her though!!!!


The McEwen Family said...

She looks very cute i bet she'll be lovely in her recital? Where does she do dance classes?

Gabriela Hull said...

I love Ryan.... She's so cute! Is that how you walk around the house?

Angela said...

Love it! How adorable. Does she enjoy dance class? Kendra's wanted to do that but I don't know where to take her...suggestions?

Bryan said...

Your in trouble when she's a teenager!

Anonymous said...

LOVE the costume! That's hilarious!

Amber said...

Okay that swagger is so stinkin' funny! Cat walk here she comes!