Has anyone ever heard that saying? "You just have to pick your battles." I keep hearing that and I always have that in my head when I'm fighting with Reagan. Yes, fights. That's what I tell Chris when he asks me how my day was..."Ryan or Reagan and I had a fight." I have little arguments with Ryan too, but it has gotten a lot easier to explain things to her or show her why I'm doing things the way I am, but Reagan.....she will not give in! It's amazing how different they are in that. Reagan will throw a fit for an hour! Ryan would give up pretty quickly when I walk away from a fit, but not Reagan. She will follow me and keep crying. So "Just pick your battles." Does that mean just to let some things go? That's what I think it means. So ok, Reagan, you can buckle yourself up in the car seat and I promise I won't even TOUCH the seat belt AND let you close the car door. Ok, Reagan, you can put the lid on the sippy cup even though it's not on completely. Ok, Reagan, you can wear your swimsuit under your clothes. Ok, Reagan, Church shoes are an appropriate choice for shoes even for playing in the backyard. Ok, Reagan, when we're trying to leave the Treehouse at night and you frantically say "Wait! I need to color!" and then run over to the art table and quickly scribble for a half a second on paper and then run to the door." Ok....pick my battles. I'm sure you're reading this and thinking "No Way! I would show my kid who's boss!!" Well, I did.
Good luck and have fun with Reagan! I bet she keeps your life full of fun and surprises!
All I have to say is...She's lucky she is absolutely GORGEOUS! because if not, she'd be out on the street! Gotta love her!
I am learning the same lesson...I think our kids will still turn out okay. I guess if it isn't hurting them and won't make them a menace to society...it really doesn't matter! But that's easier said than done!
Edna, you're right! I let Jacob wear a blue sock and a black sock last week for church because that was a battle I didn't want to fight. You're doing good!
WOw I am so with you on the whole choosing your battles, I feel like a bad parent at times because I let my kids get away with more than I should, nothing major, just not listening to me and back talking, that kind of thing, but if I didn't pick my battles, I think I would be in the nut house or something. I love that she wants to wear her Sunday shoes all the time, that is so MaKenzie.
I should totally post the picture I have of Audrey at age 3 wearing her swimsuit over her clothes over her PJ's with tap shoes on! She went through a phase where that was all she would wear! Yes...pick your battles!
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