Tuesday, March 4, 2008

The Day of Rest

So, this year our ward has 1 p.m. church......which we dread for several reasons. 1. It's very hard to stay in the spirit of going to church when you go so late in the day. 2. During the summer, it's too hot!!!! I mean, who doesn't love getting into your car at the hottest part of the day and getting the air sucked out of your lungs from the intense heat and seeing 119 degrees on your car thermometer.....I love it! 3. The most important reason to hate 1 p.m. church is that we expect our children to behave reverently during the most critical time of the day....naptime. Ryan no longer naps, but Reagan does and she gets very irrational during that time if she doesn't sleep. What do we do??? Become inactive every three years? Sit out in the foyer every sunday? Wake Reagan up at six a.m. so she falls asleep around 12 and maybe gets an hour rest before? That last option sounds great doesn't it? I would LOVE to get up early on Sundays!
So now we're starting our third month of 1 pm church.....and what did we decide to do? Reagan wakes up every morning a little before 7 am and she begins to get tired around 11:30, but we keep her awake and occupied. Then we leave for church around 15 minutes early and take the senior citizen scenic route to church....and....Reagan falls asleep in the car....and.....she stays alseep during all of sacrament meeting!!! Its like we have turned back the hands of time and we now have an infant again! Except, no carseat in the aisle, no big diaper bag, no bottles, or burp clothes. I get to hold her like a baby all during sacrament meeting in my arms. And Ryan is behaving so much better because she isn't fighting with Reagan for books and snacks. We actually get to sit and listen to the speakers. Imagine that. And then, we send her off to nursery for two hours. She wakes up a little grumpy, but she gets over it pretty quickly. So.....hurray for 1 pm church........we'll see in three years if I still like it.


Gabriela Hull said...

Just be glad you don't have Sacrament last....

The McEwen Family said...

See the Lord always helps you when you need it even if you have to work a little for it! =) but it was a funny little story!

Sabra said...

You worked it out and found a solution! Good for you. I still just moan and groan about it. 11:00 doesn't work for our one year old, so this week I put him down for a nap before church. I let him sleep an hour, so we were a half hour late. I know it wasn't the "right" thing to do, but he was much better.

Angela said...

If only Mia would fall asleep in the car!! What a great solution. Reagan looked pretty comfy last week!

Anonymous said...

I don't even remember the last time Grace slept through church. She hardly even falls asleep in the car any more. Don't forget to post pictures of Ryan's hair!