Thursday, August 14, 2008

This was how I found her.....

I swear I didn't tie her arms behind her back and knock her out to take a nap!!! I found her this way one afternoon. Drum roll please.....we have broken Reagan from her binky!!!! Breaking her of it was my greatest fear, so I was in no hurry to do it and it didn't bother me that she had it. It bothered me that Ryan wanted to always steal it a four year old with a binky in her mouth is not right...I think. But I was scared because Reagan is very stubborn and will NOT stop crying until she gets her way. I can remember countless nights when she would wake up crying and and I would think, "just let her cry it out....she'll go back to sleep." But I would doze off and on for an HOUR and she would still be crying. So I was not looking forward to when we would break her of it. We forgot all her binkies at school, so we told to go to sleep because we left them there.....and she did....and she did not cry. She still will ask for it when she's sad and crying about something, but I just tell her we left them at school. So, once again.....I think I was more attached to it that she was.


Amber said...

This picture is so funny! I was happy to read this post because when Claire turns 2 (in 2 weeks) her pacifier is getting the boot. I am FREAKING out about it and I'm not sure why. Maybe I'm more attached than she is too?! Wish me luck. This gives me hope!

Linsey F said...

That's hilarious! Lauren still has hers, but she slept without it last night on her own...maybe I am more attached than is just really nice to plug her when she is grumpy or throwing a fit...good luck! Lauren will probably still have hers in kindergarten!

The McEwen Family said...

That is the greatest, and especially that you got a picture of it! My kids would never fall asleep like that! Yeah I wish I could get rid of Madi's pacifier. We have succeeded during the day but she still takes it at night and I've tried but I can't take the hour and a half of screaming!

Anonymous said...

I bet Ryan tied her up and knocked her out.

Becca and fam said...

that is so funny and cute at the same time!